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Batch Calculator

Our handy batch calculator is the easy way to resize your recipes to any batch size. You can also use it to convert percentages to weight, or weight to percentages.

Gracefruit respects your privacy, and we do not store copies of recipes entered into the Gracefruit Batch Calculator, and all recipes remain the property of their respective authors.

1: Name Your Recipe

Choose a name for your recipe which will be displayed on the printable version of your final recipe. Please also add a recipe author (this can be your personal name or company name).

2: Enter Your Batch Size

Choose the size of your batch for this recipe. Our calculator works in both grams (g) and ounces (oz). Just select the correct unit of measurement from the dropdown list.

3: Choose Conversion

Choose if you wish to calculate the weight of ingredients you'll need for a recipe, or if you would like to create a percentage based recipe from a weight based recipe.

Conversion: Calculate the weight of ingredients I need for a recipe
Create a percentage based recipe from a weight based recipe

4: Add Your Ingredients

Click the "Add Ingredient" link for each additional ingredient. If making soap, please add the percentage of water you'll be using to make the final batch size accurate.

Add Ingredient



Ingredient Name

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